Depression and Suicide

Created by Elise 8 years ago
I did not know Wink until today. She was obviously a beautiful and creative person, loved by many. And she was depressed. Unfortunately she felt that suicide was her only option. In reading the notes there was one that stuck out and broke my heart. A young woman who felt that she had nothing to live for since Wink's passing and that no one cared about her. I ask each of us to honor Wink's memory and recognize that many people are out there hurting and don't know where to turn. Smile at the person you pass on the street, be kind to strangers as you may be the only person they speak to that day. Offer a helping hand where you can. My heart breaks for the ones that Wink left behind. I sincerely hope that they are strengthen by the prayers offered up and can find peace and comfort in the memories.